18 de enero de 2012

(9/10) Incubus - If Not Now, When? (2011)

This may be the most polarizing Incubus album to date, during their almost 20 years of career they've gone from funk metal to alternative rock, and while they've always had some catchy tunes and a certain commercial format to their songwriting this is the first Incubus album I wouldn't consider a rock album... to be completely honest I didn't like this at all when I first listened to it, but once you've gone through it a few times you begin to notice that the basics of every Incubus song are there, specially on Mike Einziger's guitar parts. The rest is a laid back version of what they've done before, after listening to some 80's classics accidentally at one of my relative's 50th birthday I realized how much this album sounded like that, specially the title track. About the lyrics I think Brandon Boyd's words are enough: "it's about love and finding art and success in love. I never know what I'm going to be writing about until I'm actually writing about it. It's what's relevant in my heart and mind. There's definitely a romantic undertone and overtone.". There's still room for experimentation (the dark In The Company Of Wolves) and classical Incubus freaky songs like Switchblade, that is to If Not Now, When? what Priceless was to A Crow Left Of The Murder.

 1. If Not Now, When
2. Promises, Promises
3. Friends and Lovers
4. Thieves
5. Isadore
6. The Original
7. Defiance
8. In the Company of Wolves
9. Switchblade
10. Adolescents
11. Tomorrow's Food 

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